
Home Posts tagged: investment
wealth management 25 nov

AI: The competitive edge in wealth management  

Wealth management in 2021 and 2022 largely emphasized on how the pandemic sparked disruption. The sudden demand for remote working capabilities and...

The Account Aggregator

The financial lending process in Banks / NBFC can be a complex and challenging task, especially when it comes to detecting fraudulent...

Software Architecture for Django Projects  

Most Django projects can be classified as either server-first or client-first architecture. Server-first applications focus on the back end and...
dat blogv6-04

Welcome to DAT- Our 5 in 1 Data Annotation Tool  

This Machine Learning Glossary aims to briefly introduce the most important Machine Learning terms - both for the commercially and...

Face Recognition Technology in the Mining Industry

Facial recognition technology has been hailed as a game-changer in a variety of industries, from retail to law enforcement. However, its use in the mining industry is often underrated...
wealth management 25 nov

AI: The competitive edge in wealth management  

Wealth management in 2021 and 2022 largely emphasized on how the pandemic sparked disruption. The sudden demand for remote working capabilities and...