DocViz – Intelligent Document Management System

Home Artificial Intelligence DocViz – Intelligent Document Management System

OCR technology is a game-changer for businesses of all sizes that can help them streamline their operations and gain competitive advantage. Small businesses can benefit from its ability to reduce manual data entry, automate document processing and form filling, while large businesses can benefit from its ability to manage large amounts of data and automate their workflows. By taking the time to choose the right OCR system for your business and understanding its various benefits, you can ensure that your business runs efficiently.

Here are some specific benefits of using DocViz for your business:

The basic OCR technology converts the extracted text from images or physical documents, like invoices or receipts into digital data that can be easily processed and analyzed. DataMoo’s Docviz takes this a step further by providing a customizable and scalable OCR solution that can be tailored to fit the unique needs of any business. This allows seamless integration with already existing systems, reducing the time and money associated with implementing a new solution.

The most important use cases of Natural Language Processing are:

Conversica “sales assistant” software is designed to automate and enhance sales operations processes by identifying and conversing with internet leads. The sales lead and management company claims the authentic-sounding messages result in an average engagement rate of 35%.

Our Docviz solution offers a number of key benefits to businesses, including:

  • Increased efficiency – It can significantly reduce the need for manual data entry and document processing, enabling businesses to save time and money.
  • Improved accuracy – With automated tasks being done quickly and accurately, employees can focus on more strategic activities that offer higher value-added services.
  • Faster processing times – It can help businesses process large datasets quickly and efficiently allowing a faster decision-making process.
  • Reduced administrative costs – By automating tasks that were previously done manually, DocViz can help businesses reduce administrative costs associated with document processing.
  • Streamlined workflows – By automating tasks and providing real-time access to data, DocViz can help businesses streamline their workflows and improve operational efficiency.
  • Greater scalability and flexibility – DocViz’s customizable and scalable OCR solution can be tailored to fit the unique needs of any business, providing greater scalability and flexibility as the business grows and changes over time.

Docviz has the potential to transform the way businesses operate and compete in today’s fast-paced and data-driven business environment. With DocViz, businesses can cut down on costs while optimizing performance at the same time.

Some of our recent work in this area includes:

  • Aadhar masking
  • Invoice, Payslips extraction
  • Resume parsing
  • Data entry automation
  • Barcode scanning
  • Insurance claims processing
  • Verify legal & Multilingual documents
  • Cheque leaf processing
  • Capture information ( from Aadhar, pan card, & driving license)

Ping us at to know how we could transform your technology adoption using OCR

Mathu G

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